Dave Hogan

Celebrity photographer Dave Hogan or ‘Hogie,’ as he’s affectionately known amongst his peers, is a stalwart of the glamorous red carpet, concerts and A-list party scene, in the UK and all over the world. Over forty years experience in the business has ensured him the utmost respect from media and celebrities alike and in turn exclusive AAA behind the scenes access to the most sought after photographic opportunities.

Dave has been the official photographer for the Rolling Stones tours since 2012 . He’s also worked closely with Madonna, U2, Tom Cruise, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and David Bowie to name but a few. Lionsgate Films, BAFTAS, The BRITS, The Grammys, MTV and the Nelson Mandela Foundation have all utilized Hogie for their Red Carpet VIP events and studio shoots.

He has also provided photography used in major advertising campaigns for Hewlett Packard and Dr Dre beats headphones.

Charity works includes Comic Relief, BBC Children in Need, Nelson Mandela 4664 charity, Live 8 and the original 1985 Live Aid (during which he was listed as the official photographer)

Sir Bob Geldof quoted "Big Dave has been a ubiquitous figure at every social/political/artistic event in London for the past 40 years. His magnificent photographs from an actual moment and from his studio tell the stories of our time for good or ill. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like Dave and respect his craft/art and more importantly respect him as a person. A very good man who has contributed hugely and magnanimously and continually to Band Aid/Live Aid by using his great skill for the benefit of others. He is a superb photographer”.

His close relationships with major magazines and newspapers and worldwide distribution via Shutterstock, ensures that Dave and his team can offer a unique and contemporary service to artists, their PR and management teams, delivering high-quality editorial content that is featured around the globe.